A Letter for our Proinsight Shoppers – Announcement: Proinsight Adds Weight to its Proposition
To our Pro Shoppers,
Ahead of any public announcement, I am delighted to be able to inform you that Proinsight Research Ltd has joined forces with ReactCX, a leading customer experience measurement and market research specialist operating mainly in the retail and entertainment sectors.
Together, we will apply our collective expertise in the measurement of customer experience and market research whilst pooling our networks of dedicated mystery shoppers to further enhance our provision and the delivery of an unrivalled client experience.
This is fantastic news for you and our wider community of mystery shoppers. In terms of our interaction with you, it is business as usual. You will see and experience no changes. ReactCX operates in complementary markets so there will be lots of new and interesting propositions for you to explore and evaluate. We will also be inviting ReactCX‘s mystery shopper community to join us, extending our geographical reach considerably.
Proinsight has welcomed the entire ReactCX team into our professional family. ReactCX Director, Jill Spencer, has joined the Proinsight Board, where her extensive experience will contribute to the
future strategic direction of the company for the benefit of our business, our clients, our team and our valued mystery shoppers.
David Hopkins, Managing Director, Proinsight, says: “We look forward to welcoming all ReactCX’s mystery shoppers into our fold. Together, we have the capacity, experience and geographical reach
to deliver mystery consumer services to a much broader segment of industry and you will play a vital role in our ongoing success. I very much look forward to working with you on our exciting onward
Like Proinsight, ReactCX is an Elite Member of the Mystery Shopping Professionals Association (MSPA) Europe and Africa.
If you have any questions regarding the acquisition of ReactCX by Proinsight, please contact me directly on [email protected]. If you would like to learn more about ReactCX, visit the website
at: reactCX.com
Your sincerely
David Hopkins,
Managing Director, Proinsight
For more information about Proinsight, visit: https://www.proinsight.org