The Future Of Mystery Shopping In The Digital Age
When the vast majority of people think of mystery shopping, they automatically think of face-to-face mystery shopping. Whether this is going into a retail store and buying an item of clothing or going into a restaurant and having a meal, this is typically the most commonly sought after service and often, the only service that businesses think is available to them. Nowadays, as more and more consumers are buying clothes online and ordering takeaways via third-party apps, many begin to question whether or not mystery shopping is really relevant anymore and whether it is still beneficial for businesses to use.
Whilst there is no denying that things are very different in this digital age and the way business work and consumers shop has changed quite dramatically over the last few years, one thing still remains incredibly important; customer service. No matter how your clients access your products or services, the experience they have with your business is just as important as it has always been, if not more so. For this reason, mystery shopping still remains incredibly relevant and it is simply the mystery shopping services that you require that have changed.
Many businesses don’t realise that as well as face-to-face mystery shopping assignments, experienced mystery shoppers can carry out a number of additional assignments to help you improve all aspects of your customers’ journey. If you’re wondering what nationwide mystery shopping services will be relevant to you during this digital age, below are three specific services that are undeniably beneficial to use.
Online Mystery Shopping
Due to the fact that many consumers will visit and purchase from online stores having never been to the brick and mortar store, this is the first impression that they get of a business. This means it is undeniably essential to ensure that you’re providing an online customer journey that reflects your brand and everything you stand for.
With the help of an online mystery shopping service, you can learn more about how well your online, or mail order, business is performing. This will provide you with the opportunity to improve the overall online experience for consumers who invest in your business this way.
Social Media Mystery Shopping
There is no denying that social media plays a vital role in the marketing plan of many businesses nowadays and it is incredibly important to ensure that the social platforms that you use don’t hinder your business. The experience consumers have here is just as important as the experience they have with your brand elsewhere.
A social media mystery shopping service can help you to review all of your social channels and see the experience through the eyes of the consumer. This will allow you to reevaluate how you use your social media and ensure that it is benefiting your business as much as it could be.
Telephone Mystery Shopping
Whilst calling someone isn’t necessarily the preferred way of communicating these days and many consumers will prefer to email a company with enquiries, you can guarantee that should a consumer want a quick answer or want to complain, they will likely pick up the phone. For this reason, how you communicate over the phone is vital to your success.
Using a telephone mystery shopping service you can understand how well your team handles incoming calls from potential and current customers. This will enable you to make improvements where required and make sure that this area doesn’t let your business down.
Mystery Shopping in the Digital Age
It goes without saying that all three of these mystery shopper services are incredibly beneficial to businesses in all industry sectors nowadays. Ultimately, as consumers change the way they shop, nationwide mystery shopper specialists change the services they offer to ensure that they are always providing relevant and beneficial services to those in need. You really can guarantee that using any one of the three different types of mystery shopping mentioned above will be invaluable to your business in this day and age.
Should you wish to speak to a nationwide mystery shopping company about any of these different services in more detail, please don’t hesitate to contact our team here at Proinsight today. We have been providing all of these services to businesses across a number of industry sectors for many years now and we will gladly provide you with the additional information that you require. If you would like to try any of these services yourself, we can assist you further with this and we can assure you that you won’t be disappointed when you turn to us.