Video Mystery Shopping
Video mystery shopping is an incredibly powerful market research tool. Especially where your business tends to be within a physical space and involves a lot of customer interaction. By wearing covert video tech, our Mystery Shoppers are able to record their experience as it unfolds, giving you the best possible insight into how well your team is doing. Not only can this help you to understand how well your team are performing against specific criteria, but the video content can also be a hugely valuable training aid to improve sales and service more generally.
Our Video Mystery Shoppers only wear the latest state-of-the-art recording equipment which is nearly impossible to detect, and provides top-notch viewing and sound quality. All your mystery shop results and comments are uploaded onto our state-of-the-art reporting platform, feeding straight into your bespoke client dashboard.
Contact us to find out how we can help your business and one of our team will call at a time to suit you.