• Mystery Shopping your Customer Experience

  • Awards

    Whether you’re the awarding body for the Estate Agent of the Year awards, or looking to set up the Best Barista annual celebration; you will need to put in place an independant measuring framework to ensure your awards are fair, credible and robust.
    It just so happens that this is right up our alley, in fact, we hold a key role in the delivery of the national UKActive awards, which is widely recognised as the industries most significant awards. Check it out for yourself here (https://www.ukactive.com/enter-ukactive-awards). Can’t say fairer than that!
    All your mystery shop results and comments are uploaded onto our state-of-the-art reporting platform, feeding straight into your bespoke client dashboard.
    Contact us to find out how we can help your business by and one of our team will call at a time to suit you.