Proinsight Mystery Shopper Survey The Results!
We are pleased to share some of the results from our most recent mystery shopper survey. Many of our shoppers completed this online survey throughout December and January, and the questions in this survey directed the shoppers to give honest and constructive feedback regarding their experience of working for Proinsight. Here are some of the fascinating insights we gained:
- 90% of our shoppers work for no other mystery shopper provider than Proinsight – this shows great loyalty on behalf of our shoppers!
- 80% of those surveyed state that flexible timing was one of the top three reasons why they decided to become a mystery shopper – many of our shoppers are students or professionals, and with Proinsight they can accept assignments which suit their busy schedules.
- 74% of our shoppers selected location of the venue as one of three most important factors when deciding to completed an assignment for us – The locations we offer are nationwide, so we always try to give our shopper an assignment in their area.
- 81% find completing mystery shopping assignments enjoyable or very enjoyable – this shows that mystery shopping with Proinsight is ultimately fun, as well as an opportunity to earn money, and 90% of our shoppers rated their experience of receiving payment for their assignments as excellent or good.
- Finally, we have achieved an NPS Score of +62. A score of over 60 is considered excellent, so we see this as a great result.
Overall, the feedback from our shoppers has been very positive, and we are of course delighted that on the whole our shoppers are enjoying working for Proinsight, and of course we always welcome their opinions on how we can improve!
If you want to find out more about the mystery shopping and market research services that Proinsight can offer, please contact us at [email protected].