Proinsight lead judging process for the ukactive Awards 2022
This week ukactive announced the finalists for the ukactive Awards 2022 following a busy month for the team at Proinsight who are now part of the judging process for Stage 1 as well as Judges Houses for Stage 2 and the Customer Satisfaction Surveys and Mystery Shops which identify the National/Regional Club/Centre of the year.
David Hopkins, Founder and Managing Director of Proinsight, said: “Having been involved with the awards for three years now we’ve been blown away with the quality of the submissions.
“The applications show an abundance of great work going on in our sector following what has been a torrid time for everyone. We can’t wait to move to stage two which includes presentation, surveys and mystery shops – see you in Birmingham on the 30th of June.”
We would like to congratulate everyone who entered the awards this year, the quality of everyone’s applications was incredible, therefore kudos to everyone who has made the final!