The way people work and where they work has changed quite considerably over the last few years. Whilst traditionally, all businesses had a private office space that they would use from Monday to Friday, this is no longer the case. Businesses require more flexibility when it comes to their working environment these days and many are choosing to rent shared workspaces, like co-working spaces and serviced offices, instead of conventional leased offices.
As the demand for shared workspaces grows, so does the number of office providers offering flexible solutions. The workspace market has become more and more competitive, and standing out from the crowd is proving to be quite difficult, especially in big cities like London. One way office providers can ensure they’re not being overlooked is by carrying out regular mystery shop audits. Working with mystery shoppers is the key to remaining relevant and competitive, and below we have listed some of the main benefits of mystery shopping in shared workspaces.
Provide the best first impression
When choosing where to work, businesses will compare several different office providers and it’s crucial to ensure you’re providing the best first impression whenever a prospective client contacts you. Whether they pop into your business centre, call your office or fill in the enquiry form on your website every interaction a prospective client has with your team is important.
Mystery shopping services like face-to-face mystery shopping, telephone mystery shopping and online mystery shopping can help you to ensure you’re coming across in the best way possible and no sales opportunities are being missed. Mystery shop audits will open your eyes to how client interactions could be improved and using the feedback you receive, you can make sure you’re providing the best customer service to anyone enquiring about a workspace.
Boost your reputation
Prospective clients will start forming opinions of your brand and your shared workspaces based solely on your reputation. Sometimes, even if they have a positive first-hand experience with your team, the reviews they read or the things they hear from other businesses can still put prospective clients off wanting to call your business centre home.
Choosing a new workspace is about so much more than just the cost of rent nowadays and businesses expect more from office providers. By using a selection of mystery shopping services, you can ensure you’re providing the best customer experience to every business using your shared workspace and, in turn, improve the reputation of your brand. A mystery shop audit will evaluate all aspects of your customer journey and give you the true insight you need. Carrying out mystery shops regularly will enable you to continually improve your services too.
Offer the right type of workspaces
As mentioned above, businesses’ needs have changed a lot over the past few years and their workspace priorities have also changed. To ensure you’re still providing workspace solutions and facilities that meet prospective clients’ needs, you should be investing in up-to-date market research projects. Market research will help you to understand what businesses really want at this moment in time and help you to remain relevant in a now very saturated market.
You can also use competitor mystery shops to learn more about the workspace solutions and facilities offered by other office providers, as well as the level of customer service they provide. This type of mystery shop audit will give you an insight into what your competitors are doing well and what they’re not so great at, providing you with the opportunity to develop a niche. Attracting new clients to your business centre is much easier when you know the workspaces and services you’re providing are some of the best in the industry.
Working with mystery shoppers
When you’re looking for ways to improve sales in the shared workspace industry, it’s fair to say that mystery shop audits can help you do so. If you would like to find out more about how mystery shopping can benefit your business, feel free to get in touch with our team at Proinsight. We have lots of experience providing mystery shopping services to office space businesses and we are very proud to work with organisations like Fora, helping them to improve their enquiry process from start to finish. We can assure you that you will be in very capable hands when you turn to our team for assistance with mystery shopping and the project we deliver will be as unique as your business is.