Proinsight is delighted to announce the publication of our annual Benchmark Report. After the success of last year’s report, the Proinsight Sales Benchmark Report 2015 includes a new and improved Benchmark Score, derived from a combination of 17 powerful metrics drawn from the three ways consumers enquire about membership: via Web, Telephone and Face 2 Face. This is the most accurate picture of selling in the leisure industry to date, utilising data from the analysis of over 20,000 metrics from 500 locations UK-wide.
The Proinsight Benchmark Score for 2015 is 65.5&, compared to the 2014 PBS of 61.0%. It can be stated then that the commercial sales effectiveness of the leisure industry, within our purview, has improved 4.5% year on year. The key metrics driving this improvement is the Face 2 Face PBS, with a significant uplift in the quality of the ‘Needs Analysis’, as well as an improvement in the ‘Follow Up’ section. As well as this, the 2015 report introduces a new breakdown of score by organisation type, that shows that the Private sector comes top with a score 68.0%, just ahead of the Leisure Centre Operator at 65.7%. There has not been significant change in the Telephone PBS score, with the 2015 score at 62.8% compared to 63.0% for 2014. The Web PBS of 67.2 has shown a slight fall back from last year’s 69.6%.
Of course, this overall improvement in the Proinsight Benchmark Score should be applauded, with a significant uplift in performance noted in clients who have increased frequency of mystery shopping to levels seen in sectors such as retail, banking and hotels. Improved performance can be ascribed to the ‘ripple’ effect that spreads through the company, due to the leadership of these organisations having increased visibility of what is happening on the front line. We hope the insight provided by the benchmarking data collated in our report helps to continue this upward momentum in our industry.