Proinsight reveals a surprising lack of commercial appetite across a sample of 94 UK health clubs. The results from this post lockdown mystery shopper research project should surprise you.
When surveyed, 22% of operators were not offering memberships for sale.
43% of membership enquiries did not receive a reply and were timed out after seven days.
Less than half of those clubs sampled had a “new member” offer.
Only 24% of those clubs surveyed invited the prospect to visit the facility for a tour.
*Mystery Shops completed on all major Health & Fitness operators from 7-14th August 2020
Although Proinsight has grown to become one of the UK’s leading mystery shopper and consumer research companies, its heart and soul lies within the fitness industry.
Many in the sector will have seen our study of the fitness industry’s transformation to online classes entitled “The Quickest Pivot in Business?” from earlier in lockdown, and many subscribe to our annual State of the Industry Report on Membership Sales. Everyone who knows the Proinsight Team knows we care about the fitness industry, and its wonderful people.
So why is our sector not selling memberships? Big brands are talking about 30% fewer members post lockdown. DW Sports has said it will enter administration with 1,700 jobs at risk. Xercise4less has gone into administration too. Against this backdrop of job losses, threats of closure and next quarter’s rent demands, surely the best way to fight back is to sell more memberships.
The nation needs our sector and our gyms. ukactive and Community Leisure UK have both suggested we have a “ticking time bomb” on our hands and that half of the nations leisure centres may not be open come 2021. If this is the case, why are 22% of operators not putting sales at the top of their priority lists? Clearly, we are not suggesting a compromise on safety, but for our sector to be as creative as it was to pivot to digital during lockdown, and find a way to sell alongside protecting current member interests.
Proinsight is a specialist at mystery shopping the new member sales process. It is where we started, and it is what we know best. Please contact us if we can help you in any way:
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