• Mystery Shopping your Customer Experience

  • The government’s Levelling Up Home Building Fund is supporting small and medium-sized housing developers, and providing finance for innovative projects that will create great communities for people to live in. Whilst this government scheme is undoubtedly beneficial and it will help developers who struggle to get funding from private lenders, it has resulted in the housing market becoming even more competitive.


    Selling new-build properties isn’t as easy as it used to be and in addition to the current economic climate, the volume of new housing developments is making it difficult for developers to sell all of their properties. Now that the market is getting tougher, housing developers should be working alongside mystery shopping companies to boost interest and improve sales. Several mystery shopping services can benefit housing developers, including;


    Telephone mystery shopping services

    Before booking to view your new-build properties, there’s a high chance that prospective buyers will call you for some more information. The first impressions you provide over the phone are crucial and this is the first step in a long process that’s all about closing the sale.


    Telephone mystery shopping services can help you to refine the quality of the service you’re providing over the phone and ensure you’re not missing out on any sales opportunities. A mystery shopping company will work with you to understand what’s most important to your business and create a brief, script and scoring criteria for mystery shoppers. You will then receive honest and constructive feedback that you can use to improve telephone interactions.


    Online and social media mystery shopping services

    Almost all housing developers will use a website or social media channels these days to raise awareness of their brand and the new builds they have for sale. When you invest in digital marketing, it’s important to analyse your online presence to ensure you’re coming across in the best way possible as this will directly influence whether people book house viewings.


    Online mystery shopping can help you to measure the performance of your online services from start to finish. A mystery shopper can provide feedback on everything from website accessibility to web chat services, so you can make any required improvements. Social media mystery shopping can help you make sure your social channels are meeting your business objectives. In this digital day and age, these two services are key to your ongoing success.


    Face-to-face mystery shopping services 


    There are several occasions when you will meet prospective buyers face-to-face during the sales process and the customer experience you provide each and every time is crucially important. From the first viewing to closing the deal, providing an exceptional customer journey is essential if you want to sell all of your new-build properties.


    Face-to-face mystery shopping can help you to understand the customer experience in real time and a mystery shopper can provide you with an insight into the level of service your team is providing throughout. The feedback you receive will highlight any areas for improvement and you can then implement changes to ensure your providing a flawless customer journey, which can not only boost sales but also improve your reputation as a developer.


    Market research services

    Often, market research is conducted at the start of a housing development project, but it’s beneficial to work with a mystery shopping company on additional market research programmes. Knowing what your target audience is looking for can help drive strategic decisions for business growth and it can make the selling process more straightforward.


    Using market research, you can learn the perception that ex-customers, current customers and potential customers have of your brand too. This information will be undeniably beneficial and market research will give you the insight you need to improve your business for the future.


    Working with a mystery shopping company


    All of these mystery shopping services can be incredibly useful now the housing market is getting tougher and if you’re interested in working with a mystery shopping company, our team at Proinsight will be happy to help. We are experts at getting under the skin of our client’s businesses and we can provide you with the knowledge you need to boost business success and unlock your full potential.


    We have experience assisting huge companies like Legal & General and we have the expertise required to help you improve your customer service and customer experience. We can incorporate a wide range of mystery shopping services into your bespoke package, ensuring we are helping you to meet your individual goals. To find out more about working with Proinsight, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

    The government’s Levelling Up Home Building Fund is supporting small and medium-sized housing developers, and providing finance for innovative projects that will create great communities for people to live in. Whilst this government scheme is undoubtedly beneficial and it will help developers who struggle to get funding from private lenders, it has resulted in the housing market becoming even more competitive.


    Selling new-build properties isn’t as easy as it used to be and in addition to the current economic climate, the volume of new housing developments is making it difficult for developers to sell all of their properties. Now that the market is getting tougher, housing developers should be working alongside mystery shopping companies to boost interest and improve sales. Several mystery shopping services can benefit housing developers, including;


    Telephone mystery shopping services


    Before booking to view your new-build properties, there’s a high chance that prospective buyers will call you for some more information. The first impressions you provide over the phone are crucial and this is the first step in a long process that’s all about closing the sale.


    Telephone mystery shopping services can help you to refine the quality of the service you’re providing over the phone and ensure you’re not missing out on any sales opportunities. A mystery shopping company will work with you to understand what’s most important to your business and create a brief, script and scoring criteria for mystery shoppers. You will then receive honest and constructive feedback that you can use to improve telephone interactions.


    Online and social media mystery shopping services


    Almost all housing developers will use a website or social media channels these days to raise awareness of their brand and the new builds they have for sale. When you invest in digital marketing, it’s important to analyse your online presence to ensure you’re coming across in the best way possible as this will directly influence whether people book house viewings.


    Online mystery shopping can help you to measure the performance of your online services from start to finish. A mystery shopper can provide feedback on everything from website accessibility to web chat services, so you can make any required improvements. Social media mystery shopping can help you make sure your social channels are meeting your business objectives. In this digital day and age, these two services are key to your ongoing success.


    Face-to-face mystery shopping services 


    There are several occasions when you will meet prospective buyers face-to-face during the sales process and the customer experience you provide each and every time is crucially important. From the first viewing to closing the deal, providing an exceptional customer journey is essential if you want to sell all of your new-build properties.


    Face-to-face mystery shopping can help you to understand the customer experience in real time and a mystery shopper can provide you with an insight into the level of service your team is providing throughout. The feedback you receive will highlight any areas for improvement and you can then implement changes to ensure your providing a flawless customer journey, which can not only boost sales but also improve your reputation as a developer.


    Market research services


    Often, market research is conducted at the start of a housing development project, but it’s beneficial to work with a mystery shopping company on additional market research programmes. Knowing what your target audience is looking for can help drive strategic decisions for business growth and it can make the selling process more straightforward.


    Using market research, you can learn the perception that ex-customers, current customers and potential customers have of your brand too. This information will be undeniably beneficial and market research will give you the insight you need to improve your business for the future.


    Working with a mystery shopping company


    All of these mystery shopping services can be incredibly useful now the housing market is getting tougher and if you’re interested in working with a mystery shopping company, our team at Proinsight will be happy to help. We are experts at getting under the skin of our client’s businesses and we can provide you with the knowledge you need to boost business success and unlock your full potential.


    We have experience assisting huge companies like Legal & General and we have the expertise required to help you improve your customer service and customer experience. We can incorporate a wide range of mystery shopping services into your bespoke package, ensuring we are helping you to meet your individual goals. To find out more about working with Proinsight, don’t hesitate to contact us today.