We are committing to exercising everyday to raise money for Mind, the mental health charity.
As we entered the third national lockdown, the Proinsight team were told to stay home and the Friday Zoom quizzes were back in our diaries. However, this time around, we decided we wanted to do a bit more to stay connected to one another and
to give something back.
We recognise that every lockdown we have experienced has put a huge strain on mental health for so many. Working from home is a challenge, being lonely takes its toll and the uncertainty of the pandemic enhances anxiety.
Therefore, everyone at Proinsight want to do their bit to help, and now more than ever the charity Mind rely on so many donations.
Why Mind is so important to people
Mind, like most charities rely heavily on their retail stores on your high street in order to continue the great work they do. The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that Mind sadly reported a 1.9 million loss in sales so any little help we can provide will make a huge difference.
The charity offer support through counselling, crisis help lines, housing support and employment training schemes which many of us in the past year will have benefited from.
To find out more about what Mind offer or to seek support please visit mind.org.uk.
‘1k a day to keep Minds okay’ MEP Challenge!
The Proinsight team have each committed to taking part in one form of exercise per day from the 8th of January until we are able to be together again.
Our target will be calculated using our Myzone belts. As a team we are aiming to hit 1,000 MEPs per day! (Myzone Effort Points)
Whether it be running 5k a day, going on a long walk or taking part in an online exercise class, we all know exercise is the best medicine for us and will keep us going through what we hope to be the last of the lockdowns!
Support the Proinsight team and donate today
Any donation, big or small will help someone in need during these difficult times.
If you are unable to make a donation, sharing our Just Giving page will also be gratefully appreciated.
Click here to make a donation.
Be sure to follow our journey over the next month via our social media channels.